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Frequently Asked Questions About Re-Roofing

Many people often use the terms roof replacement and re-roofing interchangeably. However, these are different roofing projects, and as a homeowner, it's crucial to know when it's time for a roof replacement and when you should re-roof. Here are some frequently asked questions about re-roofing.

What Is Re-Roofing?

This is the process of layering a roofing material on top of an existing roof. The process can only be done once. This means homes with more than one layer of roofing will need a roof replacement. 

Re-roofing patches any weak spots or small holes in the original roof. This is a temporary solution to structural problems with the original roof. Some factors roofers consider when re-roofing are:

When Should You Re-Roof?

Many homeowners re-roof when they notice water leaking into their homes. Other causes for concern include missing shingles, curled shingle edges, and cracked shingles. 

You should also re-roof if you have improper flashing or if you notice the presence of algae or moss on the roof decks. Scheduling a roof inspection twice a year is the best way to address these issues before they escalate.

When Is Re-Roofing Not Suitable?

Re-roofing shouldn't be done if the overlay re-roofing adds excess weight to the existing roofing structure. This is why it's not advisable to re-roof a home with more than one layer of roofing. Additionally, re-roofing should not be done if it hides rotting or damaged plywood. 

Most problems can be spotted before tearing off shingles; however, there may be sagging and rot that may not be visible beneath the shingles. Your roofing contractor should examine the roof deck to determine whether to re-roof or replace the entire roof.

You should also not re-roof if you're doing it to a small portion of your roof. This is because one section of your roof will appear thicker than the other areas. As a result, the roof doesn't match up properly at the ridge cap.

What Are the Benefits of Re-Roofing?

One of the most notable benefits of re-roofing is cost. Re-roofing is cheaper than replacing your entire roof because of the reduced labor cost and the lack of a new roof decking. Re-roofing also takes less time than a complete roof replacement. For example, a typical re-roofing job can take a few days to complete.

Lastly, re-roofing acts as an appearance enhancement. A new layer of shingles can add new life to your home, which will improve its value. To learn more, contact roofers near you.